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Wangshi Gr

Wangshi Gr

Cretaceous, Paleogene

Age Interval: 
Cretaceous, KwG (27a,b)


Type Locality and Naming

Jiaolai Basin. The Wangshi Group was erected by Tan Xichou in 1923, originally was called as The “Wangshi System”. The type locality for the designation is at the Wangshi Village of Laiyang city of Shandong. The reference section is from Shuimutou to Jingangkou to southeast of the Laiyang City of Shandong. Shown in Xi, X.Q. Wan et al. (2019; Cret. Integrated Strat. and Timescale of China) as an upward succession of the Linjiazhuang Fm or coeval Malanggou Fm, Xingezhuang Fm or coeval Tianjailou Fm, Hongtuya Fm and Jiaozhou Fm.

Lithology and Thickness

The Wangshi Group is represented by mainly red continental clastic rocks, which is divided in ascending order into three members. First member is built up by brown and brown red siltstone and fine sandstone with conglomerate and sandy conglomerate. Second member is brown red and gray green mudstone and siltstone with brown conglomerate. Lower part of the Third member is brown red and purple gray conglomerate and siltstone and fine sandstone, and the upper part gray, gray green and purple red mudstone, siltstone and fine sandstone. [NOTE: Not sure how "members" these related to the formations that now constitute the Wangshi Gr of Xi et al., 2019 as used in this 2022 Lexicon]. The Wangshi Formation is 2810.7 m thick.

Lithology Pattern: 

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

The base of the Wangshi Fm (Wangshi Gr) is marked by gravel-bearing tuff contacts by fault with the underlying Mengtong Fm (=Mengtuan Fm) [for central Shandong]. Base of Wangshi Gr is shown as disconformity over Qingshan Gr (Fanggezhuang Fm) in Xi et al., 2019, strat column.

Upper contact

The top marked by clayey siltstone is bounded by the Neogene sandy conglomerate and shows an unconformable contact with the latter.

Regional extent

The formation is distributed in Zhucheng, Jiaozhou, Jimo and Laiyang of east Shandong, and Tancheng, Juxian, Yishui, Anqiu and Linqu along the Yimu fault zone. It varies in lithology from place to place. In the Zhucheng-Jiaoxian area, it is relatively fine in lithology with quite a lot of marl; in Zhangying and Puzhen of Jiaoxian the third member is intercalated with andesite basalt and andesite tuff; in the Qingdao and Jimo area, the third member is intercalated with andesite basalt; in the Junan area only the first and second members are developed, containing a lot of sandstone and conglomerate, measuring more than 1000 m; within the Yimu fault zone, it is not exposed completely and mainly the first and second members are observed in the northern sector of the zone, where sandstone and conglomerate are developed, ranging from 1500 to 2000 m in thickness; but is developed completely in the southern sector where it is fine in lithology and mudstone is slightly developed. In Caozhuang and Malingshan of Tancheng, the second member contains cuprous sandstone. In Daguanzhuang, Anqiu, Majiagou and Fangzi, secondary gypsum thin beds are observed.




To northwest of the Jingangkou Village, this formation yields Reptilia Tsintaosaurus spinorhinus, Tanius chikangkouensis, Chinkanghousaurus fragilis, Szechuaosaurus cf. campi, Oolithes sparoides, O. elongatus; gastropods Campeloma liui, Valvata sinensis, Hydrobia anhuiiensis; bivalves Sphaerium shantungensis, S. tani, S. laiyangense; and ostracods Talicypridea amoena, Cypridea (Pseudocypridea) gigantea.


Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

It belongs to fluvial and shallow lacustrine deposition.

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Wan Xiaoqiao